Christmas break is here…🎅🏻🤶🏻

Hello, An intense period is coming: btw, it has already started with the thrill of…
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Combine and manage all my stuff!!!

Hi everyone, I take the time to write you a few words!!! Sorry, I don’t…
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Summary of the summer: how the return to school is good for everyone 🤩🤩

Hello everyone, It’s been a long time, but I just arise myself to give you…
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Season 2 of atypical

Hello, Sorry, I haven’t written a lot in recent weeks, but I spent the last…
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Survey about the use of “Technology” for our autistic children

Hello everyone, I would like to share with you this survey from the Toronto university!…
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“Meltdowns are not Tantrums”: a very good article for helping us.

Hello everyone, How are you? Is the Summer difficult for you too? This season for…
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A beautiful letter of a woman to her autism

Hello, I hope your summer isn’t too crazy…with the kids at home 🤯🤯 I would…
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A very interesting article on Temple Grandin’s Book🤓

Hello Everybody, My husband showed me this article and I thought it is important to…
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Little Canadian “BOOM”

Let’s go back: A flashback is necessary! The title of this article may be familiar…
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Scientistic progress on autism

Hello everybody, I just want to share an article on the progress on autism… it’s…
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