Season 2 of atypical


Sorry, I haven’t written a lot in recent weeks, but I spent the last 15 days managing children, the day-to-day life alone: my husband was traveling for business! So hard to find time to do what I love the most in the world: writing 😍!

But I could still Install myself a little to watch the second season of this great show “ATYPICAL” about this beautiful family whose son is Asperger!

I put the link of my article on the season 1 to remember the context, the history …:

So, no surprise to me … I loved the Season 2! We watched it in 3/4 evenings.

This family is always so endearing, and we really want to see how things evolve, if the Will progress in his teenage life (which will soon enter into his adulthood), how this family manages the new challenges of each one. …

I’m really attached to this family: I cry when it’s sad, I laugh when the situation is funny… 😍😍

And it really gives hope to our children because he is doing very well and makes a great step like our children (a real challenge!). Even if some situations are intense and really touching!! It shows the reality of what we live every day: the eyes of others, judgment, challenges, small victories, and the big ones!

I hope that this show will help moving the minds and especially how people look our children, our spouses/husbands: they aren’t monsters, retarded, “stupid” … And especially I hope that it can help people to really accept the difference between others and to respect it.

Next show to try: GOOD DOCTOR!!! Have you ever watched it?

Feel free to share your opinions, your shows, your movies … It’s always interesting to know new things and it can help others 😍!

1 … 2 … 3 …Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!!

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