Video “Agony Autie”

Hello everybody,

First, I would like to apologize at this moment, the time flies and the stress is in my home 😉! So, it’s difficult to write in this situation…but now I’m ok: ready to write 😎😎!

I watched this video in a Facebook group and then I think I have to share it with you.

This is the link to the video:

It’s very interesting and explained with fun.

She explains with simple words, with pictures that touch you and that you keep in your mind!!

She shows our children, our partners are « normal » and not strange people with strange behaviors😞. She explains what she feels, how she feels and all the features of the autism.

It’s an ode of respect and tolerance for all atypical or typical people: we are all different and we must respect our differences for living in a great harmony.

If you want to watch all their videos, like their Facebook page:

Don’t hesitate to share with me some articles, videos that you think are interesting😊

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!

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