Summary of the summer: how the return to school is good for everyone 🤩🤩

Hello everyone,

It’s been a long time, but I just arise myself to give you a little summary of our first Canadian summer 😉

It’s a moment that I always dread a little: two children at home 24/7 😉. Between sets-to, boredom, the emotions of each one, the wish to be quiet … it is an intense moment for us, the parents! Even if the rhythm is cooler because we don’t have to get up quickly, hurry to be on time at school, it takes energy! I’m sure it’s the same for you, right?

This summer was a bit special for us: first in Canada and no holiday in France because my husband didn’t have enough vacation and we didn’t have the budget for holidays abroad.

So we were with this question that all parents ask themselves: what can I do with them ???😱😱😱

In addition, we had to manage a big disappointment for my princess: no holiday at grandpa/grandma’s home like last year …. it was hard for her emotionally, because it breaks her holiday routine and especially, she hasn’t seen her grandpa / grandma since last summer!

It was a little intense but with explanation (a lot), dialog and time, she calmed down.

So, what to do?

* I registered her for a holiday camp, and she loved it: she spent great time, in French language and very nice activities. Although it was sometimes stressful for her: the unknown of the first day, of the place for the play date …. but she managed greatly. And she liked it so much that we signed off for another week in August.

* Parks outside, play dates with friends … It’s always good to allow them to unwind a little.

* Family activities, like the zoo: a great day we all loved! 🤩

* And big moment: a small road trip to MONTREAL! It was intense for the whole family: between stress, excitement, fear for the unknown… My princess was very excited all the trip, but when she arrived at the hotel, she was a little stressed. Once stuffed toys installed, the bed made, she was reassured and enjoyed a lot. She even impressed us because she was flat-out, curious, adventurous …

She really impressed us! We realized that since a year she made great improvements, and she manages to enjoy out of her routine … and also, she loves to go on an adventure …. Very proud of her! We will see what happens in December for our next trip (we go a little further and travel by plane🤪).

It’s actually for the one we were certain he will live it’s no stress, that it was hard: my little boy was very stressed by this travel, so he made us tantrums … not easy! He grows up and discovers then understands more things: 5 years is a difficult age! The real baby/child transition: he understands more the danger of life, the risk of dying and not coming back!

And during the summer we also spent cool, quiet days: take your time, do simple things (TV, coloring…). Even if it isn’t always easy for my daughter to do it well, it develops her imagination… For my son, it is less difficult: he likes to chill, take his time …

I was still looking forward to going back to school. 🤯 but it’s the same, it’s a stressful and exciting time for my children: they want to meet with their friends, teachers, to have homework for my big one🤪 but it’s stressful because they have a lot of new things to assimilate (new teacher, new class, new friends,  …).

After this back-to-school day, no more stress and a lot of happiness: my daughter is very happy and after a month, she feels confident with the teacher! Awesome 😎😎

My son met up with the same teacher so it’s very cool… Even if he is already tired of school 🤣🤣

And for you how did it go? Tell us?

Don’t hesitate to share your experience, your feelings about this time, which isn’t always easy.

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!!

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