Combine and manage all my stuff!!!

Hi everyone,

I take the time to write you a few words!!! Sorry, I don’t write a lot right now, but I have a lot of things to combine together while also managing me!!! 🤪This isn’t always easy, sometimes it is the most difficult 🤣

My husband has gone several times on business trips: big new things for me!!! This generates a lot of stress, anxiety: to manage the house alone, children for a few days while my husband is at thousands of kilometers (what will happen if I die ?, If a thief is in the house, will I succeed in protecting my children?, ….).It wakes up suddenly my anxieties especially about death (since what happened for the birth of my son, it is the strongest one).

And when I’m under stress and anxiety +++, unfortunately, my creativity is at a standstill: overwhelmed by a lot of ideas, scenarios and each one is more catastrophic than the last!!! My imagination is an asset and a problem at a time: seeing too far and too « big” can lead to unnecessary fears, stress but it’s so great to have lots of ideas, to create a story with just a picture, a thought…

Really and sincerely sorry for that but … I’m working on it!! Our therapist gave me some tips to do, to help me put things into perspective, better live them !!!❤️❤️

This is a real challenge to be more self-confident, but it will lead me to stay positive anyway: believe in me. 😍😍

In addition, we had visitors, so it was difficult to write!

But with the work I’m doing to better understand my stress for being alone to manage my family, and with a different organization between all my hats (mom, saleswoman, writer …) I will be able to return to what I prefer the most: write (but after my children anyway 🤪)

Don’t hesitate to share your projects, your readings, your feelings!!!

1 … 2 … 3 …Let’s Share!!!! 😊😊😊😊

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