Christmas break is here…🎅🏻🤶🏻


An intense period is coming: btw, it has already started with the thrill of the arrival of Santa!

At home the excitement is +++: they wake up early in the morning just to open the Advent calendar, come back from school thoroughly too … Do you also do this tradition of the calendar Advent?

It helps my kids to wait: for my “little elf” it helps to get his bearings in the time and wait until Christmas night 🤶🏻🎅🏻🎁. And my princess, she likes but now she is a little big for that 🤪: she even forgets to look at her little present of the day !!! 🤣

These last 2 weeks have been intense between the quest for gifts, find Christmas recipes, prepare Christmas cards and professor‘s gifts, meet Santa (it’s magic but very very stressful😱)…But also enjoy a moment with friends before the holiday « tsunami»: a coffee with friends, a shopping session with friends !!! And also enjoy to pamper yourself a little: haircut, pimp my nails !!!!

I think these moments are important for us even more before the holidays when the children are at home all day 🤯🤯 !!!!

These holidays are particularly intense as it is Christmas, New Year’s Eve: holidays, excitement, a good meal, sometimes party with a lot of people … A lot of stimuli, stress for our children / our atypical spouses😉! For us too, because often we have to manage the whole organization, and in addition, we manage the after-party, the after-excitement: 💥💥

To us this year, it will be only in family (my daughter, my son, my husband and me) for Xmas like for several years: we love it!

Enjoying this moment just between us! It’s a little selfish for our families, but we need these privileged moments of happiness just for us! Also, it’s quieter so we enjoy more: see the stars in the eyes of our kids it’s wonderful🥰🥰🥰🥰

But for New Year’s Eve, we make it regularly with friends, in small committee: this year it will be with a friend and her little family!

A good moment to share good foods, a lot of fun ahead but always the same in a reassuring and calm atmosphere for my kids/spouse!!!😉

And you, do you have plan something?

Same than us: do you adapt your CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR’S EVE to your particularities?🥰

To end this article, I want to wish to all of you (you, your spouses and your children) a very nice Christmas holidays with a lot of moments of pure happiness in the respect of your atypical / your atypical nature 💙💜 💖💞 !!!


And I take this opportunity to thank you for being always there, to support me in my projects, my articles !!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU…

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s share (Yule log, turkey with chestnuts, a delicious glass of wine and most importantly happiness💖💖💖💖) !!!! 😊😊😊😊

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