Screens and atypical people: use its with caution!

This topic is always controversial because we demonize many screens (tablets, TVs ….). Moreover, it is unfortunately reinforced by media and some influent personalities …. 🤬.

This isn’t the debate today, but I will talk a little about my Family and about my feeling on this topic 😉

First of all, this is our situation: At home, there is no restriction on it, everything is unlimited (iPad, console …), the TV is switched on in the morning and until the evening, … But only if they don’t do it all day and if They don’t hesitate to go out …

In addition to our two atypical kids, the tablets help them to calm down, to concentrate during an emotional tsunami, crisis …. 🤯🤯🤯🤯 !!!!

But MINECRAFT came into our house and especially in the life of my princess.😱😱

She spent all her time on it, only thinking about it, didn’t want to do anything else.

At first, we said, “it’s just the beginning of this new restricted interest”. So, we waited for a few days to see if it was regulated by itself and if it calmed down … but NOTHING.

Suddenly we made an “attack plan”: we had given her a Limited time per day!! She was good at the beginning, but she quickly got caught up in the game and the time was running … (this game is very addictive even for adults 😉).

And one evening, my husband watched her iPad to see something about data storage (it’s his job and his passion … so he is often playing with😉) and there, he saw that my Princess had spent about 7h40 on the iPad for this day: 1h10 to play but the rest on YouTube to watch videos of MINECRAFT😱😱😱😱.

We suspected that she was playing a lot but we didn’t think it was so much: she has really locked herself in her new restricted interest!😰😰

So my husband set put a hard limitation to use her iPad: once the time was over she can’t use it anymore!🤓

And strangely she realized that she was playing a lot and that suddenly if she did it thoroughly in the morning, in the evening she couldn’t use it🤔. So today she plays much less than these last days and had a great, good and long time to play with her brother: she rediscovers the pleasure of playing with her little brother 🥰🥰 and our little prince too because he was missing her a little!!

Besides, she doesn’t even think about Minecraft while playing with her brother😜!!

And also, with the coming of MINECRAFT in our house and in her life we saw her behavior changed: very edgy, speed, opposition troubles more presents because she was tired. This game stimulates her too much, takes all her energy!!

And oddly today it was quiet enough except at the end of the day, but we were not surprised because she was tired (I think she is in a transition phase between childhood and pre-teenager 😨🤔).

To summarize, I will say that we must be vigilant, but we must still let them be autonomous on it … and unfortunately in the limit that we have fixed, if it’s necessary to reach this extreme way. It teaches them to self-regulate 😉 because growing up, in adulthood, for example, it will be necessary she knows as much as possible to regulate herself alone. It’s a part of learning autonomy 🥰🥰.

After this game has also had a very positive effect on my princess: her imagination is developing, she creates beautiful things and even outside the game! She is passionate about drawing.🤩🤩

There is good thing in everything but it’s all about dosing, knowing how to combine all our facets, passions …

And did you have such a kind of « Problem”? Are the restricted interests becoming so invasive?

Feel free to share your experience, your feelings …

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share !!!!😊😊😊😊

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