Atypical” Series

I started this tv show on the flight that transported us to our new life, but I left it out … I regret it because it is really great! I made up for being behind 😉

It’s very interesting and very touching. The proof: in a week I watched the whole season! Long live in the mornings where children are at school. 😉

It shows us the true life of an atypical family … With problems, it can bring to the family and the role of each one. The true daily life of a family with a child or rather a teenager with autism. Our Aspergirl isn’t yet this age but it gives us an idea of our possible future, our daily future with all the questions we ask ourselves and we will ask! I think a lot of families have seen themselves in this show (although I’m sure that all moms will not necessarily do what this mom will do🤪, you’ll understand when you watch it😉).

This show raises many questions about the main character who is autistic but also about his Family’s members:

The sister who must blossom but who has always protected his brother?

A mother who has forgotten herself by only living through the role of an autistic child’s mother, and her, about all of this.

An absent father during the first years after the diagnosis, who has difficulty with admitting that his son is different?

This show proves that when we have an atypical child it affects the whole family, not only him but all of us! And the care bringing to the brothers and sisters is highlighted very well: we must not forget them. Finally, I don’t want to say that we don’t think about them, that we don’t like them but sometimes it’s complicated not to focus on our atypical child who requires a lot of attention and time!

As for me, this series reminds me all my anxieties and questions about the emotional future of my princess: how will she see that a boy isn’t honest? Does not she risk getting more scammed than the other girls? She must have real girlfriends who can help and protect her when we aren’t here … I admit that it scares me but I remain positive: we still have a few years to prepare her, and equip her as best as we can!! 😎

In summary, I will say it is a sincere and authentic description of our atypical family life with good and dark sides😜. And without forgetting the small victories towards autonomy …

I loved this series and I recommend it to you❤️

We become attached to the hero and his family (I’m hypersensitive so it’s often like that when I love😉). I was proud of all the progress ’s hero, sad for his difficulties: it touches us especially as it could happen to us, or it has happened to us already!! It gives us hope for our children because he succeeds to evolve, to integrate in his own way … while respecting and being respected by others.

I wish it to all our children!!

If you have other great series, interesting books … Don’t hesitate to recommend them to me!!!

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s share !!! 😊😊😊😊

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