Project “be BRAVE” (month of autism)

Here is my project for this month of autism awareness: I will write a series of small articles about videos, projects, books … Not necessarily very long articles but I just want to share with your things that I saw, read on this topic very important to me 😍 and that can help us to better understand our atypical close Family members, and especially to better understand each other to live in a beautiful harmony.

So, my first small article: video of “be BRAVE » Project from association “Autism Ontario”

My husband shared it with me and I found it wonderful!!

It was very emotional and intense to see all these children very happy and blooming… I really want my daughter feels emotions like that for her entire life. And I wish the same for your children, your spouses, and all atypical people.

This project was in 2015 but I Think it was a very good idea…It’s important to talk about Autism in order people could better understand our children, spouses…and what we are living every day!!!

The stress for the future of our kids, the judgment in the eyes of other people….

And for me « be BRAVE », these words have an important sense: be brave every day for your children, be brave to be yourself, for being a beautiful people with wonderful abilities: honesty, no prejudice!!!

Don’t hesitate to share with me, on a message if you prefer, videos, articles… for this very important month.

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s share!!! 😊😊😊😊

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