“Meltdowns are not Tantrums”: a very good article for helping us.

Hello everyone,

How are you? Is the Summer difficult for you too?

This season for us, for our Family is intense because my Aspergirl is bored: she loves school, she is very excited about coming back to school…but the Summer is 2 months at home 😱🤯

So, like it’s intense, there is a lot of meltdowns: the stress of the new things (teacher, classroom, new activities….), boring!!!

It’s important to have a reminding from time to time 😉: it’s not a tantrum to have what she wants! It’s a meltdown, and sometimes, even often, she doesn’t know the reason why!!!

It takes time and a long calm dialog for having the answers!!

So, I found this article and I want to share it with you: it’s an interesting point of View!

The writer has asked some autistic adults to help her in this situation with her children: it’s a very good idea! The adults lived the same difficulties, bad moments when they were Child 🤓🤩

And they know, often, what helps them!

This is the link for this article:


To read this article was a good reminding for me because my princess needs a lot of these tips for calming down 😉: she needs to be alone in a safe place (her bedroom at home or a quiet place without people) with her iPad or video game to focus and concentrate on one thing!

By the Way, for my husband, it is the same things that help him to calm down and to be stressless 🤪! And for me, when I need to be stressless, to have a quiet time after a meltdown of my daughter or a very stressful situation, I need to listen to music with headphone! And my son to calm his emotional twister, it’s a big hug 😘, and focus on his iPad 😇

As you can see, it’s personal and different for every people, even in the same family 😜! And for you, what does it help you to be calm, to be stressless?

Feel free to share with us, with me in private message 🤩😊

Don’t hesitate to share with me articles, videos, books…. that can help us, our children to live with less stress and more harmony 😍

1…2…3…Let’s Share !!!!😊😊😊😊

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