Sharing an article: « Dear Parents: Your Child with Autism is Perfect »!!

Hello everyone,

Hope you have a wonderful summer, and you feel good!!

Summer is always an « intense » time for all the parents, and this year with the virus and a long time with no school, it’s harder than the last one! I send you all my support!!🥰

My husband shared an article with me and after the reading, I was thinking: « I have to share it with other parents who have autistic children, and also parents of atypical children. » 🤩. Sometimes when you have a hard day, very exhausting, with no success in managing the meltdown, the crisis of your kids, it’s important to remember this thing: « our children are perfect »!!!.💙💖

I would like to clarify that for me « perfect » it’s not « perfection », the best kid of the world! It means that he is perfect like he or she is…with the beautifulness and amazing way he/she thinks, behaves, and with their difference! But in the bad days, it’s so important to think of their « perfection » 💙💖, to remember all the beautiful things, all the wonderful qualities our children have!

This is the link of the article:

What do you think about this article? Tell me in comments, or in a private message, if you prefer.

Also, I totally understand that sometimes or with some people, like friends or family who don’t understand or recognize the difference of your kid, it’s difficult and hard for you. Sometimes we are thinking « oh it would be so easy if my kid will be like the others »: you will have more friends, more support from your family… Don’t worry every parent of an atypical child, was thinking this a day 😉! It’s normal when it was one of these bad days!!!🤯

But when you accept the difference, work with professionals (therapist, behavioral therapist…) for having the best help you need, you will see the beautiful and amazing behaviors, qualities of your child! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 And for him/her, it’s so important to be accepted, loved like they are. And It helps them a lot to accept their difference: «mom and dad love me, really like the way I think…so I could do too!!! ». For sure, it’s not an easy and cool journey but it’s such an amazing help for our kids!!! 💙💖💙💖. To talk about our personal experience, with the diagnosis (after the time to accept the difference 🤪) we assume and accept the autism of our daughter, and of my husband … at the same time, some family members, friends don’t understand, and after a short time, quit « our journey » because they thought that it was not real, was just an excuse for our « cool education »…. It was sad but the people who stayed, who are now in our lives, sincerely like us and accept all the behaviors and differences of our family 💙💖💙💖

To finish this long article 😁, I would like to tell you that the best gift and the best help for your atypical child are to accept him or her like he/she is! you will see all the beautifulness of their nuances, and all the « perfect » things your kid does and thinks about….

Feel free to share here or in private, your feelings, your personal experiences, or your questions!!! I’m always happy to exchange, share with other parents in the same situation as us!!!

A lot of love and support for you and your family! Stay Safe 🌈

1…2…3…Let’s share!!!! 😊😊😊😊

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