The “covid” back to school is doubly stressful for us this year!!!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing well, and you have enjoyed the last days, the last weeks of the summer holidays😉!

At home, the pressure has risen a lot 😰: back to school on September 3 for the 2 kids💖💙. We were in the starting blocks 😎. We bought all needed supplies, the school sneakers, the backpack, and the lunch box and… the stress was by our side 😰!

Indeed, this back to school was not a back to school like the others with this “covid” still present! Here, we have a whole protocol to follow: check the children in the morning, drop them right in front of the school entrance, mask all day for my big girl and for my son it’s only recommended… Plus all the other rules, sanitary procedures to prevent children from catching it as much as possible!😷🦠

As a hypochondriac, I let you imagine my level of stress and anxiety 😱… Even if it was a beautiful inner fight for me (my husband is “for” this return to school, without any apprehension!!! 😎), I said yes because I know my children need it!!! Indeed, it’s been six months from the last time they went to school…

And in addition to that stressful situation, this year is the first back to school in the new school! It’s a double stress for them and for me too (my husband is much cooler and serene!😎😏). How to feel comfortable in a new place, make friends, in addition to all these new “covid” rules to manage: wearing a mask all day long, washing hands, social distancing…

So, on September 3rd morning, we were walking to school all together, the children were overexcited and somewhat anxious at the same time. Finally, especially my princess, she had a little knot in her gut (like me 😰)! But taking this little walk and talking about it helped her to feel better!👍🏻

My son was so happy to go back to school, to see other kids that he was much more excited than stressed… so he went to the school yard with just a little bye 👋🏻 and hop it was done! And for my older one, she felt a little lost with new people, the noise but an adult guided her, and it was fine.

Then we had to wait for 3pm to find out how it went… The day was long to me 🤪🤪. But fortunately, I had an appointment with the osteopath and shopping to do… Then we are at 3pm in front of the entrance waiting “feverishly” 😜 for seeing their heads, to listen to them telling us about this day…

~crazy feedback🥳: ~ 

They had a great day, they told us about their activities, said they had talked with other kids, played with them… They were looking forward to returning to school and the next day was a great day too!

It reassured me a little to see them happy to go back to school, despite all these new constraints related to covid 😷🤒… But I remain attentive: every day, I ask them questions to find out if they feel really well!

In addition, we will have to move forward with this sword of Damocles on their head, linked to the virus: will they close schools again? quarantine us if they have runny nose? request a test if there are positive cases in the school or their classroom…

But we’re going to move step by step and manage these situations that can be stressful! And above all, enjoy every beautiful day of school 🥰.

They have top notch teachers and staff that are super smiling and help them enjoy good times at school!

And for you, how was the back to school? Do not hesitate to share with me your feelings, your feedback…💖💙💖💙

I wish you all, as well as your little and big children, the most beautiful back to school! And for those who have found the school benches, I hope that it went well and that the first days of school were in a good mood!🥰🥰🥰🥰

1… 2… 3… Let’s share!!!!😊😊😊😊

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