Rewards Chart: a useful tool!!👍🏻👍🏻

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re okay! And that the unconfinement, the easing of measures, and the back to school are going well.

So, I would like to talk about this famous reward chart!

We implemented it with the support of the behavioral therapist (we had already tried this method in France with our therapist though)!

One of my princess’s big problems, and many autistic people, is procrastination, or even a big lack of motivation to do things.

So, the principle is simple: earn stars every day by doing tasks and trade those stars to get rewards (small gifts, iPad apps, choose a takeaway menu, etc.…).

I found one on Amazon because I was looking for a magnet chart that could be used for both children at the same time. Here is the link and picture of this one I’ve chosen:

It was at a reasonable price, and I loved the principle: one color of stars per child (everyone choses his own, of course 😊) and the fact that we can create to do tasks on the magnets that are still free. The little negative thing is that it is limited to 3 children but after if you have more children, you can use 2, or more!

So, every day, or almost, we take time, in the evening with them, to assign the stars. Then we count and if they have enough stars, they get 1 token. We have defined with them the number of stars to get a token: for now, it’s 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 = 1 token. But we could change, adapt according to their age and if it gets too easy, we can increase the number of stars… It’s to motivate them and give them the envy to do things.

And with 5 tokens, they have a little surprise: a small gift (bought from Dollorama: a small bag of lego, a car, Pokémon cards, choose an activity, a take-out meal…) everything they could please them, which they like, to really motivate them.👍🏻

Here, it works quite well:

For my big girl, it’s a bit random but it works quite well and she managed, thanks to this, to learn a routine she didn’t do until now: put her laundry in her basket!🥳🥳🥳.

For my little boy, it’s really effective and sometimes it gives him the courage to continue his homework even if it’s hard for him (ADHD)!

It also helped with the most important routine at the moment: hand washing 🧼. Even without asking (I confess… sometimes I forget ☺️), they will do it!🥳🥳

And you, did you set up that kind of system at home? Does it work well? 

Feel free to share your own experiences! It’s super rewarding to know everyone’s ideas, it can help us too 🥰😜

1… 2… 3… Let’s share!!!!😊😊😊😊

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