1 tip to help your “hyperactive” child fall asleep. For Our “little Zebulon”, just few minutes 😴

Hello friends,

I hope you’re doing well! I’m taking advantage of the fact that my aspergirl 🩷 is at her art camp, and my little Zebulon 💙 is playing fish during his swimming class to write to you!

I also hope the summer is going well for you because I know (from experience 🤪) that it’s not always an easy time, given that the routine isn’t the same on vacation 🫣🤯.

So I’ll take a few minutes to tell you about this tip given to us by the physiotherapist who had worked with our little prince on his “writing” issue.

First, I need to explain the situation: our little prince had significant difficulties with his handwriting, which made him to do as little as possible at school (even though he has an overflowing imagination🫣🤯😉). We thought it was dysgraphia (“a disorder that involves writing and results in difficulty in writing”), so we contacted an occupational therapist to see how we could help him. She did some crazy work with him and saw his problem: his eyes weren’t working properly together, disrupting his fine motor skills, so writing + a strong presence of archaic reflexes when they should be asleep 😴 which complicated his concentration and posture: no dysgraphia! As a result, he’s been working hard with a visual therapist here and had a few physio sessions to help with his archaic reflexes 😁.

Archaic reflexes: what are they? 

I’ll write an article on them to be more precise. But, to sum up, they’re baby’s survival reflexes that should no longer be active as the child learns and grows!

Finally, our little prince needed to move, and his brain was constantly alert to find his place in space. It was even worse in bed because he was lying down, so it was challenging to settle down physically and psychologically. The physiotherapist showed us a miracle technique that enables our son to fall asleep in seconds (when he’s tired) or minutes!

Here’s the miracle technique: a little spinal massage! You need to make little vibrations on the back along the spine and finish with a gentle pinch of each vertebra 🥳🥳. And the miracle happens: sometimes he’s asleep before the massage. Since I couldn’t find a video to explain it to you, we’ve made one for you:

It helps the brain and nervous system to focus solely on those vibrations so they relax because they’re focused on one thing!

I hope it helps you and your little ones! It’s changed his bedtime routine and our evenings 😁!

If you try it, don’t hesitate to share your feedback with me.

Have a great summer!

Talk soon 👋🏻 1…2…3… Let’s share !!!! 😊😊😊😊

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