Little Canadian “BOOM”

Let’s go back: A flashback is necessary!

The title of this article may be familiar to you??

If not here is the little reminder:

Sometime after the rush of the arrival: do all the steps, manage the move, undo and put away the boxes … Having a beginning of routine we didn’t realize what was happening but still a little, something deep down inside myself, and inside my husband too: it was there but without knowing what it was!

And, since the “big bomb”, we speak more and I try to make efforts on it, we managed to understand what was happening: with the loss of our landmarks, we felt lost even between us, we had kept out of the other, caught in our stress and our emotional tsunami of this life change.

So, we talked a lot and especially did what was needed to take moments just for us when the children were at school … moments to enjoy, talk about what we feel. …reconnect because we lost that …

This experience is intense, difficult and can lead to trouble a couple … It tests the strength of a couple: we must admit it! And whether for a “typical” couple or for a couple “atypical” like ours … Maybe for us, it’s a little more intense 🤔!!! I would even say that if you make this lid change to start over, leave the problems behind: “ERROR” because everything will resurface and it will make a small, even a big BOOM 💥.

But for philosophizing a little: I will say that thanks to the therapy we did each on our own, and in the family, before this great departure, we were a little better armed 🤪for this trip without return! 😍Even if it didn’t stop the Little BOOM, it helped us to calm down it. 😜Thanks again to our therapist who helped us and who is still helping both of us. ❤️

But we grew again, strengthened in our feelings, into ourselves and our couple has passed a new milestone: despite this emotional, physical, and mental tsunami, we are always there for each other with mutual respect. 😍

So, it’s all for this little more personal😉 article but another will come soon a little more personal … I want to find the time to write it up but not easy currently (new activity, school holidays …🤯) and emotionally too by the way 😉. But I promise he will arrive soon 🤓

1 … 2 … 3 …Let’s Share!!!! 😊😊😊😊

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