The saving “BOOM”

First, I thought it will have reassured me to know they have this Asperger’ s syndrome but it isn’t easy to accept and understand …. it raises a lot of questions in many things for a partner’s life (type of questions: does he really love me? Is it a fake since all this time? ….) but the routine did its work, I stopped asking myself questions. Life had taken its course.

Then the beginning of this year 2017 was very intense. My husband drives me a big boom: not sure of his feelings for me, we grew apart since the revelation …. it took me a long day to « digest” that but thinking of it, he was right: we grown apart once we knew who they are…

Unconsciously it scared me … afraid of the unknown, to not recognize him: is he always the man I fell in love with?

I had found the answer quickly: I love him as he is with his « distinctive features” … it’s him and it’s part of him (since always) 😍

He too answered the question he was asking himself 😉

We found ourselves and our feelings are more intense …. we rediscover ourselves, it’s wonderful!

We learn to communicate better … to find our way of communicating, to make the link between our two worlds (atypical/typical) while respecting the universe of each one (I will explain it more in another article)

For my Princess, the revelation really helped me to understand her …. even if it is still complicated sometimes (often 😋) I understand more things: she doesn’t really think what she tells me (she has ODD), she needs frameworks, not too many mishaps…

It’s an everyday job whether for the life of a couple or the role of parents with atypical kids … it is intense and sometimes difficult: we also crack, we have our tired moments … and we have the right to!!!

It’s very demanding first, but once you start getting used to these new “rules”, ways of doing things, it becomes easier, and it takes less energy. There will always be difficult moments, but we understand them better, we accept them more easily … and if the need becomes visceral: we can take a break for ourselves (moment with friends, walk, spa ….)

Look forward to starting to set up concrete things with my wonderful princess.

With my husband, it is already the case, and we move forward in a good Way, with less stress and anxiety … even if it isn’t flowing on everything yet… we discover, we learn, we communicate …  a new life begins 😍😍

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