Why « the theory of sets »?

Searching for a definition on the web, I “tore my hair out”: everything was complex, with headache-inducing mathematical formulas 😝

But I finally found a definition that sums up the theory well (“thanks, Google!»):

“Theory was created by mathematician Georg Cantor in the 19th century.

Considered as the fundamental theory and according to which a set is formed by several subsets, the elements of a subgroup belong to this set.”

I find that this theory applies well to our stories of love, family atypical:

There is the “world of Aspergers,” the “world of typicals.” For the story to work, these two worlds must have a bridge, a link between them, while respecting each other’s world. And each one in his world has his own codes, ways of being, acting… Which belong only to this world, and which will not be able to function in the other.

We have the right (a necessity sometimes) to enter the world of the other, but only when we are invited to do it, respecting the other to remain in his own bubble.

I find it this atypical “mix” so enriching: we bring a lot of things to each other positively… It’s so stimulating even if it requires effort: it’s worth it 😍😍!!!

In my opinion, this is true for all couples and families: you must find your own way of functioning and codes while respecting each other’s garden of secrets…

I emphasize the respect each one’s world; it is essential for that it works…. it is necessary to accept and love the other as it is. The circle defines this “separation” well: a line not to cross!!! But there is inevitably a zone, a place, a moment where the two worlds are linked… it is up to us to maintain it, to find it. Each couple/family has its own meeting zone of “mixing.”

Afterwards, there is no GOOD or BAD way to link these 2 worlds…each one has its own bridge, its own link…we just have to find it: it can take a little time; it’s by trying that we find it (SMS, post it, emoticons, photos with emotions or activities, body gestures ….)

Don’t hesitate to share your experience, your own little tricks…

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