Video Gabrielle BLINET: neurodiversity at work … Guest star: my husband!!!

I spoke to you a few months ago about Gabrielle’s project: videos that show the atypical happy and integrated into their work (a little reminder with the link of the article)

The first video is online:

you can subscribe to the series on YouTube!!

I find her project « wonderful” because it also shows that an atypical adult can be happy and be blooming in work … It gives hope to other adults who haven’t yet found this happiness and to our children too!!! It reassures us for the future of our atypical kids 😜

Then I am quite proud because my husband is the “topic” of this video: he went beyond his social difficulties to make this video happened and to show that it’s possible!

If this project interests you, if you want to be part of it (there will be others !!!)

Don’t hesitate to send a message to Gabrielle on her project’s Facebook page.

Feel free to talk to me about other projects, I could do with its some articles 😉

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s share 😊😊😊😊!!!!

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