My hypersensitivity and the culture shock: 2nd part 😉

How to start … I don’t know: hypersensitivity, what is it?

Back to my first article:

For me any new adventure, any change stresses me … You will tell me that for everyone in this situation it’s the same but for myself, it’s more intense in everything!

I can panic for a cough that wakes me up in the night😉when I’m in a state of stress!!! (Recently new experience)

This period of adaptation to this new life is intense: it’s like an emotional rollercoaster and so that means in times of “bad mood” (depression, low morale …) everything is more stressful, scary … Everything scares me. On top of that, I am hypochondriac, and it doesn’t help!

This hypersensitivity makes all feelings +++++ positive and negative! When I love something I am in depth, when something scares me, I am in depth also but in the bad sense of the word!

And on top of that, it can pass from one to the other on the same day, in the same hour sometimes… Imagine what my Asperger’s husband can feel: he doesn’t understand and I am unable to explain to him the reason for this reaction. So, he also stresses!

The problem is when I am so overwhelmed by my anxieties, I can’t understand why I’m not feeling good. Unlike when I’m good, I easily find the reason why!

Sorry, I’m digressing… 😉

So back to this cultural shock, I have just realized that I am in a new State of “bad mood”: afraid to not be integrated, to not feel good, afraid of wanting to come back to France while my family is happy here…

It stressed me for several weeks … before to understand it’s just the down part of the cultural shock…

So, I write in my diary, I do EFT sessions, I talk with my husband and my friends who support me … And of course, a little article helps me! But everyone lives it differently and has his tricks to be stressless, to feel better!!!

Currently this Life’s change, as I talked with a friend, is emotionally upsetting loss of landmarks, fear of losing my roots, fear of being without roots … It is stressful for the hypersensitive I am: “it’s like a tree without roots” … it’s really this image that I have in mind. so, it’s why I panic: what to hang on to “stay alive”? (Me and my big anxiety of death !!!)

But now it’s better: I know what stresses me and it’s normal to feel that!!! I feel very light and relaxed. Another example of hypersensitivity: we can very quickly be Zen, but it is physically exhausting! I’m ko, the cold doesn’t help. And it is necessary to fight against my mechanisms: create a little pain to stress over it, to not think about the big thing that stresses me, for example! So, it is difficult to turn off this cycle and become ZEN again … So, the slightest thing that stresses me is more intense even when it’s slight 🤪

Here is a little article more personal than usual, I needed it! Your support is very important for me too 😉 and helps me!!!

Do not hesitate to share your moments of doubt, your methods of relaxation, … We must not be ashamed to be overwhelmed by events, situations sometimes: we are human, and we compose with our particularities 😉

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s share 😊😊😊😊!!!!

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