Autism and screens

From the argument in France, I want to write this article …  Ok… I feel a bit angry to hear some things about our children and our spouses!!

Far from me to judge people and their convictions … I just want to talk about it.

To remember the story: a PMI Doctor (PMI in France is a health system to protect mother and children: appointments free for the weigh-in of babies, advice, and help of children nurses…) posted a video and she explains that many children become “autistic” because of screens and the very long time they pass in front of them!!!!

First, there is, I think, no scientific proof that confirms this assumption… Scientists know, begin to know that autism comes from a different brain functioning. So, during the Life creation things happened differently: the magic of nature!

And they are also almost sure that there is a genetic part (at home it is the truth because my husband is Asperger too) … Prematurity could influence it but it’s still confusing!

In any case what is sure is that TV, tablets … don’t cause autism.

After I agree that for some children (atypical or not) screens have effects « similar” as autistic traits: it could become a restricted interest (the child only does that …), he can isolate himself in a bubble, stop communicating … But that isn’t autism!!!! An autistic child has these traits and disorders before any exposure to screens. After the overstimulation of the screens can emphasize some disorders of an atypical child (be nervous, aggressive …).

Secondly, at home, screens have never been a source of prohibition, of reward and it’s functioning well!! The TV is power on all day (I love this background sound), iPad is unlimited for children, and parents … And no problem, even the opposite. Sometimes it allows us (our children and us too) to have a break and concentrate on it only. Put ourselves in our bubble!

Besides, for my daughter, it’s vital sometimes: getting on her iPad with her headphone helps her to concentrate, to focus on herself and to be reassured in stressful moments.

After we are still vigilant: don’t let our children do just that and refuse to go out, to do an activity, … if They are only watching tv or playing with their iPad … We will limit it!

But for the moment we have never had to do that!!!

It’s only my opinion, no judgment … it’s working for us, but each family is different, each child is different … Everyone behaves according to his convictions, desires, and needs!!

But people must stop talking nonsenses to serve his own opinions and make parents feel guilty: they manage as They can and sometimes the screens are a great help!!! Sorry, I Lose a little my temper: this is my hypersensitive side and a little “persistent”, as my husband would say … (in link with the typologies of the process com)

Feel free to share your tips and tricks, it can help other parents … and I want to repeat everyone does as he can and as he wants!

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!!

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