1 year already: contest to win a book by Joseph SCHOVANEC!!!!

Bonjour/ Hello to all of you!

I’m writing this article to thank you for your support in this eye important project to me: my blog is one year old today!!!!

Wow, time flies!! … One year already that I published my first article with a little pride (the first step of my new project!) But also with a little stress: will it please to people??

Because even if I didn’t decide to write for that: it makes me very happy to see that you are more and more to read me!!!

So many things have happened since the blog was created:

* a psychotherapy that allowed me to know really who I am

* a questioning of our couple what was salutary (he knows it but it’s good to hear it: my husband with his “bomb” last January gave a new breath to our couple! I contributed a little also 😜😜)

* My husband found himself

* My daughter has evolved a lot in her troubles as well as herself: she becomes a pre-teen with everything that goes with it (I’ll talk about it in an article)

* My son has become an independent little boy who brings us so much joy and great humor every day (he makes us laugh with his creations, his stories: a future SHOWMAN!! 😎).

* And of course the big change in our lives: LIVING IN CANADA

All of this with a lot of anxiety, stress but mostly with beautiful moments of happiness and unconditional love!

And also, with beautiful people who we had met (I think in especially our psychiatrist who has helped us so much and who still helps us … there aren’t enough words to tell her how much we are grateful for all that she did and still does for us !!!!), beautiful new friendships and others that are solid, beautiful exchanges … Others have become distant, or have disappeared … but unfortunately it is part of any change in a life, of any self-discovery: people accept it … or not and after it’s up to you to see what you do with it😉!!!! Any meeting or exchange brings you something positive: a good time together, good memories, an alert, something you don’t want again… The most important thing is to respect yourself and listen to yourself: do only what is good for you and love yourself (not easy but it is worth it). And I’ll add, as my husband would say: « Even if it displeases … it sounds a little selfish if you read literally, but it’s really the opposite. Now I give with who I am, in all authenticity and sincerity, for those who know how to receive it! “It gives food for thought 🤓!!!! (I find it so true, and I try to stick to it 😉)

With these emotionally charged words for the hypersensitive I am, I wanted to thank you for a contest:

I will make you win 2 books of JOSEPH SCHOVANEC which I spoke in one of my last articles!!!


There will be 2 winners!

The draw will be on February 3rd and the winners will be drawn by innocent hands! 😍

To participate:

* Put your name in comment of the article on the blog or on my Facebook page

* Share on Facebook my contest publication

* And if you want, like my Facebook page (but it’s not a duty 😉)

Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support that warms my heart

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊 !!!!

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