Two Projects that I want to share with you!!!

Thanks to internet and social networks … (Not only to promote my articles 😝): I came across two projects connected with autism that I wanted to share with you because I find them very interesting.

It links two important things in my life: autism and bracelets (ok I know: I have a superficial side and I assume it 😝). In addition, they are for moms, maybe dads if they like bracelets πŸ˜‰ and children directly … Merge this 2 can also allow having a special link between us and our atypical kids: have both of us a blue bracelet πŸ˜‰.

My Aspergirl has been influenced by my passion for bracelets so I know this idea will make her happy 😍😍

* So, first of all, the project of the association β€œour little prince Asperger”.

A small bracelet that our children with autism spectrum disorders can wear as they are outside to highlight, they are children with different needs, different reactions from others (not because They have bad education, as we can hear sometimes). After this is not to label them, it can be discreet under clothing … But it can be useful, especially for nonverbal, if they are dealing with emergency services, for example.

Here is a photo of the Facebook message that explains their approach and the price:

sending in France and Worldwide.

* The second is for us, moms, and dads too πŸ˜‰. And I’m a fan of bracelets so I fell for this beautiful creation that is used to finance a party for our autistic children in Quebec and to support an association for children with autism.

This bracelet, beyond the associative project, symbolizes very well for me our feelings of being parents of atypical children and spouse of atypical people also: an unconditional love even if sometimes their particularities are difficult to manage!!! A symbol of our courage, our strength to fight for our kids being happy and fulfilled in their Life!!!!

This bracelet can be sent to Canada, but the designer can make an international shipment if you need.

I will tell you about 2 other small projects, a little later, which are wonderful and if they succeed will be able to advance a little the minds … Thanks to the butterfly effect πŸ˜‰.

Feel free to share, to send me your projects, your ideas… I can share it also!!!

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!

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