A project that is important to me: the β€œRim” project 😍

I knew this project from a mutual friend (thank you) and I loved this idea!!!

Very good contact, we spend good times to discuss together in an easy way and without pressure.

It is very nice: So, don’t hesitate!

Instead of explaining myself this project, I preferred to ask Rim to explain it to you! So, this is her interview πŸ˜‰:

β€œQuestion 1: What is your project? What does it consist of?

My project is a dissertation in psychotherapy on how to support partners (spouses) of Asperger people.

We talk a lot about these β€œsuperheroes”, and we often forgot their life partners …

How do neurotypicals people who share their life with Asperger people live this relationship?

How is this relationship specific?

Do they live discomforts?

Or misunderstandings?

Or sadness? Distress?

How was the relationship built?

What do they need to feel better?

What solutions have they organized for a more stable relationship?

What do they like in this relationship?

What does it bring them?

Question n Β° 2: For your project, what profiles are you looking for your testimonials? Do you have specific criteria?

I am looking for neurotypical people who want to share their experience.

Neurotypic people who are in a relationship with Asperger people.

Living together or not.

Or neurotypical people who have lived with an Asperger people in their lives.

I would like to be able to do between 3 and 5 interviews by phone (+/- an hour).

Question3: If a person is interested, how can she/he contact you?

To contact me, my email address:


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