The Arrival in Canada… the Emotional Tsunami🤣!!!!

Hello everybody!!!

So, we are established in Vaughan, a city in the north of Toronto!!! A new life begins…

First, let’s go back to the departure: it was a very big emotional, physical, and psychological upheaval … We left everything we had in France to start from scratch in Canada !! last weeks before the departure was stressful, exhausting with the organization: thinking about selecting what left / what didn’t come with us, managing the appointment for furniture sales, answering questions from potential buyers…

And emotionally too, especially for me and my hypersensitivity: say goodbye to all the people we love, that means we will see them less!

I have received many nice gifts from my friends who allow me to have them in my mind every day … it touched me, and it helps me! 😉😍😍😍

The step of closing the house forever was really strange: it was becoming real!! A few days before, I already felt it was no longer our house … She was empty, lifeless! Everything was in boxes.

It was my feeling, and for the children it was a little similar: intense and stressful!

So, they were very speed, my princess had a lot of ODD, my little “zebra” had a lot of anger to externalize. We prepared our big daughter as soon as we heard pieces of information about the opportunity of a departure … and it worked: she was ready to leave, she understood the consequences of this departure! What wasn’t the same for my little prince …. harder for him on arrival. I’ll talk about it later in the article 😉

“D-Day”: big stress because it was the first flight for the kids … suddenly my daughter was very stressed and my little son also but once on the plane he slept: he didn’t even see the take-off 😝

It was not so bad, better than I thought: the end was a little longer, but it was for the most part … The tiredness with the jet lag helped a little. 😝

But the most complicated moment was the waiting time for the work permits: 8hours on the plane, a biological clock indicating that it was time to go to bed, the emotional upheaval … I let you imagine what it gave: rolling on the ground, crisis, my Princess who didn’t stop talking … With our stress and tiredness, it gave an explosive mixture of impatience, nervousness … Once in the hotel we went to sleep both of us, knocked off all that!!!

Then we started the marathon day: bank, apply for a social insurance number for the job, visits houses … I felt completely bereft, lost, useless: considering my level of English it was my husband that managed all the steps!!! It was intense for him too, a lot of stress and unknown that highlighted his Asperger’s traits: need calm, put him in his bubble, irritability …

Even in our couple, it was hard: we were just bickering for nothing!

Any change of life, of place, is intense whether in France or somewhere else. I think you need to be informed for that when you make that decision. It could hurt a couple, a family! We begin to feel better, so it calms down naturally because our love is solid and was strengthened at the beginning of the year. If we want to philosophize a little, I think fortunately that our couple has evolved at the beginning of the year! We were stronger to face this change of life.

For my little zebra, the beginnings were hard, especially when he realized that we stayed here. We had well explained him before departure, but he only understood when we went to visit the school: “But it’s true now, we won’t go back to the old school! “. He gave us a big temper tantrum: I had to go out of school with him to try to calm him down.

His pain, his sadness touched me in the heart: “did we make a big mistake in bringing them here or not??? “. This doubt flew away when I saw him / when I see him coming back from school happy, excited about his day and about going back to school!! In a week he was comfortable with others and his teacher, he needed several months in France to feel safe at school. And still not so fully!!!! There is tiredness so even small anger’s crisis, but they are rarer… he begins to feel comfortable, to take his landmarks. In addition, he is a big boy NOW: he has a bed in height 😎.

For my Aspergirl, it was, and it’s still complicated on the novelty: all new thing stresses her even if she is happy to do it! For example, on Monday she has to take the bus with her brother to go to school, so she has a stomachache. With the tiredness of the new life, the new rhythm she has a lot of ODD. Which is not always easy to manage especially when we are tired, stressed too.

Things are starting to take place, it feels good!! It remains the most part of our boxes that will arrive soon … It will do good that too 😉.

And then we will start thoroughly in learning a new language, new habits of this country…

Finally, I don’t really regret this choice even if it costs me on a personal level (I left people I love, my life was comfortable …). I’m still stressed, anxious sometimes lost but I know we did the good choice!

I thank you for following me again!!! Sorry for this period without articles, without News … But I needed these weeks for this change of life and also to ask me emotionally.

I love you all and will continue to write to you, to share with you!!

I believe more and more that writing is my way … Watch this space 😉

Don’t hesitate to talk to me also about your life experiences, your life changes…

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s share!!! 😊😊😊😊

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