Web conference of the writers of “Vive les Zatypiques”

Through a friend, I heard about this book and this web conference. Moreover, since the time this book has aroused my curiosity: who is he talking about? How are the atypicals described? The method of the writers? I confess I don’t have a very good impression (I can’t explain it … it’s just my feeling). So, I am also more curious 😉.

So Here I am joined to this “web conference” or as they call it a “webinar” (a mix between web and seminar …. I had to look on the internet for the definition😜). It has been a bit of a pity for me to use a bombastic word for that: let’s just talk more clearly and simply.

It started badly: the link didn’t work on my iPad (no browsers …) and I don’t have a computer, so I had to watch this webinar on my smartphone … Not really very practical. But so that means this morning I watched the replay and there was no problem on my iPad.

If you would like to see this webinar, go to their Facebook page:

Please Give me your opinion in comment 😉

My summary of this conference:

-a little description of the writers, their background, the reason for their book, their program.

-a little listing of different forms of atypical nature with some small examples. But for me a major forgetfulness AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDERS (I am hit personally☹️)

– highlighting the fact that the common trait to all atypical is the hypersensitivity with a small and very good, illustrated explanation. GREAT

– a description of what our parents’ life is, the difficulties and obstacles encountered by our children and by extension us!!!

And finally, they end up advertising and push you to take their program remotely!

I’m a little shocked I admit… I thought it must be more an exchange, a list of small tips to help us but no: everything is in the program that you have to buy for 87 euros!! (or 97 euros at the usual rate).

In summary:

I am reserved. Some sections of their webinar talk to me: we find ourselves in their speech!! I liked the very practical side of the explanations (it’s practical, which is important for us). But they didn’t talk about all the atypical and a little too much promotion to my mind. I had a lot of expectations on this web conference, so I’m a little disappointed. But as my husband points out, we are disappointed by the expectations we have in people or things, never people or things themselves. It sounds good, isn’t it! 😊

I just ordered the book in my eBook I will keep you informed in a future article! 😉 And I’ll see after if it’s worth spending nearly 100 euros for 8 videos and tools!

Feel free to recommend books, videos … As you know I am very curious and hungry for pieces of information.

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!

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