The EFT and My Stress: a love story 🤪

So, here I am, with you, to talk about this method!

Have you ever heard about it?

EFT, what is it?

It means “Emotional Freedom Techniques”.

A method to be no longer stressed by some situations, to manage better our anxieties, to end phobias, to be free about the negative emotions that paralyze us, and live better with !!

I tested it on the advice of our French therapist, after telling her about my November big stress: the medical visit for immigration! It reminded me of my greatest fear: the fear of death, exacerbated by my hypochondria!!!! An emotional tsunami for me that gave me a big panic attack with an essential need to isolate myself: impossible to manage it!! So I spent most of the late afternoon and evening crying with a headset to listen to music alone! And it was 15 days before the appointment …

I thought “it isn’t possible to continue like this”: so, our therapist advised me to test this method.

first, how to do it?

These are “taps” (Tapping) on specific points of the body (energy points) by repeating sentences.

We must first write the reason why we do, the sentences to say, train…

I put you 2 explanatory videos that I used to do it. It will be easier than explaining it to you!

To summarize, as my therapist told me, it’s acupuncture without the needles!

Very important: drink a lot of water after!! It helps the energy to circulate because the water is a very good conductor …

My feelings:

after I Felt good, and it still makes me feel good … I was very surprised after the first session: no stress, I felt good, relaxed, and thinking about the exam doesn’t cause panic … WONDERFUL!!!! I did this during a week before the medical visit, one session per day.

During this week, no more anxiety, I was Zen after each session. And, the sessions can also think about the origins of anxiety, stress… so you can work on it!

Hyper interesting and it takes 10 minutes at all. However, it is necessary to do it in a calm place, without stimuli to not be distracted.

In any case, to me, it works! But not entirely: at the medical visit I was very stressed (I even forget to do the EFT in the waiting room)

I think we need to do it more times, and don’t hesitate to do it when we need it. We can do the Tapping discreetly or isolate ourselves in the washroom for example.

I continue to do it, but I admit, not enough assiduity!!! You really have to do it as long as there is even a little of anxiety. And be really focused on what you say!! Have a break and focus only on the session.

And also be receptive to this method… Like acupuncture, it doesn’t work for everyone!!!

Feel free to comment on your own experiences with this method, and even share with us what works for you!!

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊

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