I wanted to write this little article to wish all of you a very happy new year 2018: full of happiness, love, fulfillment of your projects,

discoveries, … and of course health!!!

For us this year was very rich in changes, major upheavals, emotions! Intense but essential: for a more harmonious life in our family, our couple and with ourselves!

It was a year with people who love me and whom I love, those who are far away but close by the heart, with new friendships that are being created…

This year also allowed me to create this blog, to find myself and to know what I want to do in my “professional” and personal life.

I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support! Thank you for being here, for following me and reading me!!!

I love you 😍😍

A new year opens with a new life full of discoveries, first time, fulfillment, happiness especially when I see my children very happy here!!!

I repeat all my wishes for this year: it brings you everything you want … And support for your kids and for you!

This end of the year 2017 has been intense and stressful for me but promised I will be more active this new year … With I hope the fulfillment of a project very important for me😜

See you soon for new articles!!! Enjoy this beautiful New Year’s Day 🥂or evening’s party depending on your time zone🤪

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!

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