“The bubble” of our Aspergers: another “defining feature” (with a little surprise)

This is my 3rd article of the series dedicated to the defining feature of our astypics!!

What does it mean? For you what is it to “put ourselves in our bubble”?

First of all, a small definition purely “lexical”:


  1. a ball of gas that appears in a liquid, or a ball formed of air surrounded by liquid that floats in the air.
  2.  A situation in which you only experience things that you expect or find easy to deal with, for example, opinions you agree with, or people who are similar to you.

The first definition represents the visual aspect of the emotional bubble … Something very light, beautiful and relaxing … Anyway, it’s my vision of the bubble 😉.

The second is a little right, it also allows them to consider their thoughts because sometimes it is complicated and the stress makes them no longer manage the flow of informations, their thoughts and feelings: a beautiful bazaar!!!

So we understand better why sometimes the panic overwhelms them … Who wouldn’t be the same in their place??? (And again, we are neurotypical, we have more things that can hang on to the real and we have more energy to come back from this storm … Even if it isn’t easy either).

And lastly, I think we can easily understand the comparison … Protection against external aggressions. Sometimes they live some things, which may seem to us inoffensive, like something violent! (An example: once a spontaneous tickle made to my husband, was lived as a kind of aggression … You can imagine in what feeling he was and me too: a big feeling of guilt. “But speaking of it we could move on, after a time each in our bubble !!)

To illustrate my comments, I thought that a drawing would be perfect and even more expressive! So I thought of my high school friend found a few years ago on Facebook. 😉 Thank you internet and especially THANK YOU Marina ‘😉 !!! And here’s the finished product:

Actually, for the Asperger people it is even more vital and necessary to have this bubble … Sometimes for them, it is the only solution to their whirlwind, their internal volcano! I see it with my daughter: when she is in crisis, or too stressed or too tired … we put it in her bubble, we invite her to do it for settle down! My man does it more naturally but sometimes I also invite him to do it 😜.

It’s difficult for us to understand it because, even if the need is strong, we always have a small stock of energy! When they arrive at this stage, their stock is empty, so They need to isolate themselves in their bubble.

And each one has his/her own bubble, neurotypical or atypical people … We must find the best bubble for us: it’s unique to everyone, and what is good for one, doesn’t be necessarily good to the other.

Personally, I put a headphone and I listen to music that matches my current feeling, which makes me feel good (relaxes me, makes feel better, helps me to evacuate my emotion ….). And if it’s too strong and it doesn’t go out, I walk in a quiet place, in nature with music.

For example, for my aspergirl she needs to focus on her iPad watching manga (right now 😊) with her headphones, sometimes even in her room to avoid any external stimuli. My husband isolates himself a little bit like me with music but with his iPad too (he has to be busy) or a good comic…

So, everyone has his trick,

And you, what is your bubble?

Feel free to share your tips and tricks with us, what helps you … it could help the others!!!

And for the next of this series …. not yet found the subject: any suggestion? 😝

1 … 2 … 3 …Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊 !!!

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