The book “Vive les Zatypiques”

The title made me “tilt” (a small flash to a word that I appreciate 😉) So I was already curious to read it. 😋

And more the theme is certainly interesting … They intrigued me with their pushy and fun title! Especially after the webinar ( )

For me, this reading was rather a revision of the main principles of atypical nature. Which is important from time to time. 😉

However, I discovered the “dys” that I didn’t know too much … It’s always interesting to learn about other comorbid disorders of autism or any other particularity … You never know: a day I would need to know about it!!!

I liked the toolbox: very practical ideas of things to do! In addition, there were atypical testimonials, atypical parents: It is always interesting to have real examples.

The theme of hypersensitivity is very present, so that means I see myself in it and my son too. There are also some techniques to test, like “the brain gym.”

( a test to do to discover what hypersensitive you are(

At the end of the book, there is a summary of useful links (associations, blog, sites …). Very “helpful” 😁.

However, I didn’t like some things:

* The fact that autistic people aren’t in the book (but the writers haven’t followed autistic people and there is none in their relations …).

* The very protesting side about the problems with the public school in France which has difficulty with integrating different children: unfortunately, we know it and, in a book, personally I’m not looking for this kind of thing.

* their “our method is wonderful; you have to try it »… Well, after that is also understandable (it is important for them to do their promotion) but it is too present to my mind.

In summary: I learned some very useful things and put them into practice, but it wasn’t a big discovery. It is still interesting to read it, only for curiosity. 😜It allows a little reminder or a discovery … But we have to go further, I think.

So, for the moment, I won’t test their method: Because of the budget (no budget for, especially in this period🎁🎁) and especially because they don’t speak about children with autism. If one day I do it, I’ll talk about it in an article😉. If you test their method don’t hesitate to put your opinion in a comment.

And of course, if you have books, methods, ideas to advise me don’t hesitate! Sharing is always great 😍.

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share 😊😊😊😊!!!

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