Wishing you a great summer (even though it’s been going on for a while already 🤪….)

Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing well, enjoying the summer, and that you’re not impacting too much by the fires (especially those who live in France😘).

It took me a while, but weeks are flying, so I don’t get to write much…I miss it, and I miss you guys too🥰! So here I am to give you a little hello 👋🏻.

I wish you a beautiful summer filled with good moments of sharing with your atypical children, even if I know that sometimes they can be complicated and intense! We experienced one meltdown this week, with our big one at the restaurant🥺.

For our different children, especially our autistic ones, the loss of school routine generates a lot of stress. We try to keep the schedule but sometimes I forget (a bit too much in vacation mode) 🫢.

We try to warn her a little in advance during an outing… But as she practices less the « outside » activities, when we make one that stimulates her too much, she’s overwhelmed and cracks!

« Courage parents »: I send you all my support to spend the summer as serenely as possible! It’s not always easy to balance their boredom and activities! »🤯

Give yourself little moments « just for you » too 🥰because this time out of school can be tiring for us! So, take good care of yourself 😘.

I also wanted to tell you that I’m trying this summer to cut myself off a bit from social medias because they have become, for me, very energy-consuming and sometimes even toxic… So, to wean me off gently: I only go on them once a day! So, if I don’t answer your messages or like your posts right away, it’s because I haven’t gone to my « Ingrid astypiques » profile yet 😁

I wish you a great summer and a beautiful vacation and see you soon! 🏖🏝🗻🏕

1…2…3… Let’s share !!!!😊😊😊😊

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