Yes🥳🥳: back to school is coming but not the only thing…

I hope you are doing well, had a great summer and could enjoy the nice days (pleasant activities, pleasant vacations…).

That’s it; in our house, the vacations are almost over: back to school Tuesday, August 30th 🥳🥳.

It’s a relief for us parents (you know what I mean 😁🫢): it’s about time because our big aspergirl is bored out and therefore looking for any way to keep herself busy, including messing her parents and brother’s lives up 🤯🤔. Even though it was nice to have a calmer pace (no need to rush in the morning, no lunch to prepare – no canteen in Canadian schools), it’s going to feel good to be back in school 📚.

But, beyond this relief, the period leading up is intense and stressful: well, at least for us! Our big one started stressing and giving us anxiety attacks as soon as we returned home after our stay at the farm, that is to say, around August 5 😱. Every night, or almost, we had to talk with her to reassure her: we had to repeat the same thing every night (“it will go well,” “you already know the school, some of your teachers”…). She was crying and did not want to sleep! The evenings were hellish, and it even reflected on her brother because the beginning of the evening was monopolized by her sister, who was screaming and crying… Not easy for him to fall asleep 🥺. We felt lost, disarmed, and sometimes annoyed because we had the impression that nothing worked and that we were repeating words without her hearing what we said! 😤.

It lasted until that happy day (I think it was the 16th or 17th of August) when we received the email from her school telling us how the school year would go and that there was a pre-school day on the 25th: YES! The same evening, she was sleeping without crisis 🥳🥳. Even on the day of pre-school, she was relaxed and happy to see her friends again!

I feel Monday night might be a little stressful, but once she gets there, “it’ll be fine,” as we say around here!

About our little prince, 💙, he seems relaxed and not really stressed: if we listened to him, he would have taken another 1 month of vacation 😁😜. He’ll probably be worried Monday night and Tuesday morning, but after that, he’ll be fine too!!!🤞🏻🤞🏻

I can’t wait to pick them up on Tuesday and hear their feelings on this new school year that is about to start! There will be a few days or weeks of adaptation, but once the rhythm is found, it will be great!! Especially that this year, finally, the start of the school year is done normally, without a mask and restriction: how good it feels!”🥰🥰

And you, this pre-school period, how is it going? Don’t hesitate to share with me your feelings and your tips: it can help other parents too! 😁

I wanted to finish by wishing your little and big children a beautiful back-to-school full of reunions and joy in a climate of total relaxation!🤞🏻🤞🏻

See you soon, and happy back to school!

1…2…3…Let’s share !!!!😊😊😊😊

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