My feelings after the diagnosis:

– For my daughter, I felt relief: we had an explanation for her behaviour and why everything I did does not work… We feel a weightless on our shoulders as parents. But anguish came to invade me: Will it be complicated to manage? Will it require a lot of attention and investment? Will I be able to help him? What will be his future?

Lots of questions in my head. But it also allows me to put her behaviour into perspective (it’s not mean what she says, she doesn’t do it on purpose ….).

We felt reassured once the therapy started because we are progressing positively and now have tips for that. Even if sometimes with the tiredness, the worries of the everyday life, it is not always easy, and we do not always succeed either. It’s normal: we are human, we also feel things, we are not perfect, but we work to improve, especially to help our princess.

– For my husband, it’s been different (well, I only realized that a little while ago, thanks to that “January bomb” 😊). I thought it wouldn’t change anything, that it would make him feel better about himself. Even though it was confusing at first: Has everything been wrong for all these years together? How does he really feel about me? Will he change? Will he want to stay with me?

I thought it wouldn’t be a problem…. but in fact, it was I think it scared me, and unfortunately, in this kind of situation, I close myself to protect myself (a protective instinct and a defence mechanism… well, it’s mine. Everyone lives and works differently). It took us away from each other; I didn’t see the signs my man was sending me anymore: we were going through the routine of life without seeing we were losing this link.

He has been different since this diagnosis: he assumes himself, and his “difference” wants simple, authentic happiness, to be himself and to be allowed to be himself. It scared me: first, I think, because I really thought it would totally transform him… But he’s like I saw him before but better 😊. I was expecting a big cataclysm, a tsunami. Still, in the end, it’s just different: we listen to each other more than before, respect each other more and let the other being himself!!! This is done in both directions: even about me, he made efforts and still makes more than he did before, well maybe not more, but he understands me more.

In summary, we have found that this diagnosis has been positive, even if there is a period of doubt, fear, and stress… It has made us all evolve I took the “elevator” with them, and I don’t regret it… It brings me so much happiness and has allowed me to start working on myself.

It is a long-term work, there are periods easier than others, but we are motivated to move forward together so that we live as harmoniously as possible.

And for our princess, it is for her future that we work! So that gives a good dose of motivation.

Don’t hesitate to share your feelings about the diagnosis, comment, and give your opinion!!! 1…2…3…let’s share 😊😊

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