Our little prince is growing and reveals his “super power.”

At the beginning of the year our little prince was 6 years old, and I feel that it is a real step that he has passed: he has changed, really grown up, became a big boy. For example, he wants to put on alone his pajamas and often tells me “It’s good, mom, I manage, I’m big”.

And in parallel he also changes in his behavior: his “super powers” are revealed. Since our therapist met with him, we are vigilant because she has explained us that he is atypical. Indeed, it is like me: gifted and hypersensitive💖 with cognitive hyperactivity. No need to test him, our therapist confirmed it and we see that he reacts as I can react: with intensity !! 💥💥.

And also, we see anxiety now that he didn’t have before, stress, fears he didn’t have before too: the world, noises, substances …. are sometimes difficult to tolerate. And he unleashes his high potential: to make his stories, creations until late at night … We sometimes see in his eyes that ideas tumble out … 🤯.

We are therefore more attentive to what he can live, and we try as much as possible to respect his needs, his desires … While trying to teach him to manage at best his rises of stress, feelings. For example, to isolate himself in his bedroom, to shout, to strike something … because for him anger is expressed by throwing stuff!! I do the same thing: isolating me helps me to feel better in intense moments.🤪

And we see that he is progressing because the other day during a crisis (which usually starts with a little thing🤨)he left alone in his room, he went to bed, read, played and came back to see us when the pressure was down. So, we could discuss his emotions, how he lived that, why it was so intense, reassure him about his behavior (not to weaken his confidence of himself) and especially about our love.🥰🥰🥰🥰

After you will tell me that at this age all children evolve, they all anger like that … But for him, there is his particularities, its “super powers” and more! This is a thing to really consider because at home it is ++++. For example, a crisis after a frustration, all the children make it but for my little prince’s (for my big one too🤪) the after time is difficult to manage, even more than the crisis sometimes. In fact, he feels terribly bad after he is afraid that we will have found him bad, he feels bad, he loses a little confidence in him … So, he needs to be reassured, to understand that has the right to react, to express feelings, to know that we love him and that he is an adorable little boy (his archaic wound is about rejection/abandonment… We know the origin of this wound so we know that we must reassure him about it😔!!)

After I believe that for all children, atypical or not, listening to their needs, emotions are important. With us there are just some particularities to consider that can have intense consequences, and sometimes difficult. A different way of functioning 😉.

But everyone is different, neurotypical, or not, you just have to respect, listen to and accept these (and its) differences.

Finally, to summarize our little prince changes himself, grows up, reveals himself and becomes himself in the respect of his personality!! Living with his/her particularities in a neurotypical society: adapt while remaining himself/herself.💙💖💙💖This is what we try to teach both of them, we try to apply too!

For my son, like me, the problem is that sometimes we can forget ourselves, without respect for our needs for those of others … We will be vigilant for our little prince!

And you, how did you experience the revelation of your “super powers”? For your children, too?

Don’t hesitate to share with me your experiences, your feelings, … Exchanging is good😉, and can help other peoples sometimes.🥰

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share!!!!😊😊😊😊

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