Back to school: a source of anxiety and excitement !!! The same at your home?

Hello Everyone,

How is it at your home, for the end of the summer? Ready to go back to school/ work?

Here, it’s intense for almost 2 weeks: we can’t wait to go back to school!! 😜. But at the same time, it’s a little depressing… the summer is over, and we are stressful about the speed routine of the school’s return.

It’s the paradox of this period: a real ambivalence of feelings: it’s difficult to manage them!

My girl is very though currently: a Little frustration is experienced intensely and suddenly it takes excessive proportions with tears, crisis, Taunting…. and thanks to a discussion with her we understand that she is in this feelings’ ambivalence: she is at the same time very excited by seeing her professor (« la madame » as they say here), her best friend but she is also very stressed by a lot of little things she’s not able to control (is it the same class room or not? Fear of the new students, with whom she will be teaming with …..).

So it’s the chaos in her head, she is in trouble with the rest and it is difficult to manage for us … even exhausting! Unfortunately, we can’t reassure her about all these stressful things … Some of them are even unknown to us.😊

For His little brother, it’s pretty the same … but it is shown above all by high hypersensitivity! For him, it is a big step: the beginning of grade 1 with the reality of “more work” (homework …). I confess that I’m also worried because I know his focusless should be hard to manage, he is very cool and not very motivated to work a whole day especially if it makes no sense for him and if the teacher is too “direct”. I cross my fingers.🤞🤞🤞🤞

And I confess that I’m also in this ambivalence of feelings: due to what happened this summer, I feel empty, exhausted (it takes time…) and going back to the school routine stresses me. BUT at the same time, I will have more time for me, to do what I love to do: writing, create …. 😍😍😍😍. So it’s a little mix: I would like to have a little more holiday’s time !! And in addition to coming back to the usual life faces up me to the reality: “I don’t have my daddy anymore.😢”

For my husband, the summer was not easy: very stressful work, a single week of vacation … He is also tired, need to break!! But in parallel, he really really wants to get back to his routine.😜

This is also a part of the sources of stress for my beautiful princess: the summer is cool but there is no routine … there can be unexpected events (even it’s nice 😜) and sometimes she is bored so to take care of her, she draws the attention negatively … Our therapist told us to occupy her as much as possible during these last days and to give her a longer time on the iPad so that she has Busy mind and body … it avoids brooding over so being stressful!

It helps a little bit as we approach the day, it remains difficult despite these adjustments. But it ’s good because she asks every day: “what do we do today? “

And how is this time « just before school », for you?

Feel free to comment or share your experiences !!🤩🤩

And finally, I wanted to wish everyone a great back to school: for your kids, a good start in the new class with a great reunion with friends and an amazing teacher who will listen to them!

And good luck to you, the parents because sometimes (including the first back to school ….) the back to school could represent a lot of emotions!

Wonderful back to school to all of you!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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