Our relaxing activities (“our bubble”)

For Asperger’s, “the bubble » is defined as a place where they are cut off from positive or negative outside’s stimulations and which allows them to Bring down their stress, their emotions… It can also be a “method” which help them with that. I will explain in my next article 😉.

But for us too, spouses and parents of Asperger’s or other parents of “different” children, we need our “bubble” otherwise it is “sure a freak-out!!!” It has impacts on the family but also on us! It is necessary, and even vital at times, to make a break. Be Careful: I don’t say that other spouses, or parents of children without disorders, don’t need it…. but like everything, here is +++++.

Everyone has his own way to have a break 🤪. For myself, I do a lot of things at different levels and depending on the intensity for my needs.

The first thing I do, which is not too complicated to organize, is to sit down and listen to music with headphones … I always have an eye on my child’s anyway 😜… I isolate a little from their cries, their excitement!

After when they are at school I try to walk regularly: it’s good for our body and mind … I cut off all stimulations with music, I walk in nature, and I try to not think too much: just think of my breathing, my steps!!! It makes me feel great!! I am rebooted.

Then what is good for me (personally it’s very effective), having moments just for yourself: chatting with girlfriends (who understand your situation and what you live, who accept your difference and your spouse’s / children’s one), dinner/party with friends, pampering your body (hairstyle, spa ….) and sometimes also a small travel with friends for being out of everyday’s life, and that allows you to have fun without children! The Top!!! We come back psyched up, full of hope and strength to face obstacles, crises…

Moreover, a small parenthesis to make a small dedication to my Friends close or far! They help me, support me, and change my mind … I LOVE YOU!!!

Here is my “tips and tricks”! And what is it that makes you feel good, who / what helps you to bring down the pressure and leave again more relaxed? Feel free to share your stuff that can help other people.

1 … 2 … 3 … Let’s Share!!! 😊😊😊😊

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